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Zinc, Lead, Copper & Silver (Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag)

The Pincunah Project, which includes the Valley of the Gossans (VOG) prospect, (E45/4909, E45/4917 & ELA45/6113, Figure 1) is located 100km south of Port Hedland and just 25km west of the Sulphur Springs owned by DEVELOP Global (ASX: DVP). The Sulphur Springs Deposit shows typical VMS morphology with a copper-zinc rich massive sulphide lens underlain by a copper-rich stringer zone up to 50m in width.

Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans



Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans


Emerging VMS discovery along strike from Sulphur Springs


A battery metals focussed mineral explorer

Why Trek Metals


Battery Metal Focused

Trek’s focus is to explore for and develop critical metals that are essential in the production of lithium-ion batteries, in particular nickel-cobalt-manganese (NCM) battery chemistries which are currently gaining market share because of their superior performance. 

Pincunah & Valley of the Gossans


Proven team with deep battery market experience

Trek’s maiden drilling program completed in 2021 delivered highly encouraging results at VOG, highlighting the potential for a large-scale VMS base metal system (Figure 2 & refer ASX: TKM 13th October 2021). The drilling targeted an extensive >2km long multi-element geochemical anomaly defined by Trek earlier in the year (Figure 2 & refer ASX: TKM 16th February 2021).


Laboratory assay results from drilling at VOG confirm the drilling intersected multiple horizons of classic VMS-style mineralisation and alteration, with highly anomalous zinc, copper and silver, plus multiple pathfinder elements indicating a very fertile volcanic environment.


The nature, grade and depth of the copper and zinc mineralization near the Chert marker horizon at VOG provides evidence of a mineralising process for a VMS-style copper-zinc system analogous to DEVELOP Global’s Sulphur Springs deposits, 25km to the east.


Trek completed a highly successful maiden helicopter-borne electromagnetic (EM) survey over the Pincunah Project during the December Quarter of 2021, identifying multiple high-priority base metal targets (Figure 3 & refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021).


The preliminary data and results interpreted from the high-resolution XciteTM EM and magnetic survey have further reinforced the prospectivity of the Pincunah Project for significant new discoveries, particularly in light of recent encouragement from the emerging Valley of the Gossans VMS system.


The survey has defined 10 high priority zones (Figure 3) with anomalous conductive responses that represent compelling volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper-zinc-lead (Cu-Zn-Pb), magmatic nickel-copper (Ni-Cu) and intrusive-related copper-gold (Cu-Au) targets (refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021 for additional information).


In late 2021, the Company decided to extend the surface geochemical coverage as an extensive >2km long multi-element geochemical anomaly defined by Trek earlier in the year was not closed off (refer ASX: TKM 16th February 2021). The assay results from Phase 2 soils defined numerous additional target areas with anomalous base metal values (Figure 4).


The new surface geochemistry results significantly upgrade the prospectivity of airborne EM conductive target “A” (refer ASX: TKM 16th November 2021) as a compelling VMS target along strike from VOG discovery (Figures 3 & 4).

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Figure 1. Pincunah project location map

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Figure 2. Valley of the Gossans drill collar locations with selected significant intercepts, highlighting the recent high grade silver intercept in VRC023, which was drilled to test the modelled IP chargeability anomaly.

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Figure 3. Pincunah Project, highlighting prospect locations and helicopter EM anomalies A-J.

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Figure 4. Conductive target zone "A" has been significantly upgraded with co-incident anomalous base metal geochemistry, including significant Zinc (left) and Copper (right) defined during Phase  soil sampling along strike from Valley of the Gossans. Additional new Zinc-Copper targets have also been identified.

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